Take advantage of the benefits of registration!  As a registered user your game calculator inputs are are automatically saved to your account, not in cookies, so it follows you wherever you go! You can also add and track your Storm8 game codes, post to our forums, and create a profile where you can upload a profile image, and more! Click here for our simple sign-up page

Click here to view and edit your profile

Registered User Profiles

Welcome to our registered users list. Feel free to browse, filter, and sort user profiles from the table below. Currently we only display the last 300 registered users. To view a profile, click on the icon under Profile. For registered users, you can use the link above to view and edit your profile or the link below the logout button on the top right corner of the page. To create an account and edit your own profile, sign-up here.

Registered users can upload a profile picture. If you want to see which users have uploaded a profile picture, use the checkbox below to filter and show only users with a profile image.
Show only profiles with profile images :

Note: The table above has many features that apply to most of the tables you will see on the site:
  • Filtering - To filter records, use the filter box. Just enter your filter criteria and the site will filter the records across all fields.
  • Sorting - To sort, click the heading of the column you want to sort on. Clicking one time sorts ascending, a second time sort descending.
  • Paging - To change pages, you can use the arrow buttons, enter the page you want to jump to in the textbox, or use your page up/down keys. I personally like using my page up/down keys.