Important Notice: For mobile users, check out our Mobile calculator at Mobile Storm8 Calculator If you have an account, your information is available on both sites!
Need help deciding what real estate to buy or units to own? We provide one of the best game real estate calculators and game code sites for Storm8, Emross War, Zynga, and Addmired games. Our real estate calculators are easy to use and calculate automatically as you input and change your data. Your data is also saved automatically, with or without an account, and include innovative controls like buy buttons and slider bars. Use our forums to ask any question and/or search for the answer.
Our real estate calculators will help you maximize your income of money, blood, and gold by recommending the best real estate, land, buildings, slaves, etc to buy and at the same time show you the best units, abilties, and equipment for your level, what the maximum and optimal equipment to buy is based on your level and mob, clan, or ally size. Our real estate calculators are available for the following Storm8 games: World War, iMobsters, Vampires Live, Kingdoms Live, Racing Live, Zombies Live, and Rock Battle Live and we will be expanding to other Storm8, Zynga, and Addmired games. For Emross War fans we also provide the most extensive list of Devil Armies making it easy to find targets to attack.
Click on an image below to go to the cooresponding Real Estate Calculator
We currently cover all Storm8 games for game codes including World War, iMobsters, Vampires Live, Kingdoms Live, Racing Live, Pets Live, Ninjas Live, Zombies Live, and Rock Battle Live. We also support game codes for Zynga games including Mafia Wars, Vampires Bloodlust, and Street Racing and Addmired game including Gangstaz, iMOB Online, Race or Die, Jet Fighters, iVampires Online, iKnights Online, and Girl Wars.
Click on an image below to view the corresponding Game code page
Codes: 4858 | Codes: 1637 | Codes: 3642 | Codes: 1113 | Codes: 1351 | Codes: 308 | Codes: 528 | Codes: 853 | Codes: 176 |
Codes: 41 | Codes: 11 | Codes: 5 |
Codes: 11 | Codes: 9 | Codes: 3 | Codes: 8 | Codes: 4 | Codes: 8 | Codes: 1 |
We help improve your game strategy by doing all of the calculations for buildings, real estate, properties, equipment, units, slaves, land, etc for you with an easy to use interface. We use a spreadsheet type layout but improve on spreadsheet calculators by using the full capabilities of the web for a more interactive and easy to use calculator. Registered users gain access to all the sites features, but any user can use the calculators and browse the game code lists.
For help with our real estate and unit calculators and game code pages, please review our Frequently Asked Question and Latest Features and updates page or use the navigation bar links. You can also contact us with any questions or feedback.
Real Estate Calculator features
- Calculates, based on the best Return on Investment (ROI), which real estate, buildings, land, slaves, etc and the number to purchase of each. No limits!
- Both Income and Defensive(if applicable) scenarios are calculated at the same time. You chose which and how much to spend your money
- Automatic calculations for best equipment/units to purchase every time you change your level. The calculator will determine for both attack and defense
- Best ROI real estate highlighted
- Quest Mastery and Quest details. Mission Mastery rewards and Mission Details information including loot items, Money/Energy, experience/Energy and more. You can sort the columns to find the best experience or Money per Energy. You can also use the filter to search for a loot item. You can find the information in the Mission Details Tab below the calculator.
- Buy buttons. Keep your money and buildings/properties in-sync with a push of a button. Select how many you want to buy from the drop downs and hit the buy button. Your money to spend and properties will be updated for you.
- Slider bar. Don't want to spend all your money or divide it between income and defense? Use the slider to decide how much as a percentage you want to spend.
- Calculations are made on the fly whenever any change is made. No need to hit a 'calculate' button.
- Changes are saved immediately using cookies
Game code features
- Our game code functionality is not a spam factory. They are real, registered people that use the site and play the games.
- The ability to actively recruit and to remove your game code when you reach your goal
- Filter out already used game codes
- Game codes are now much easier to read! Now when you mouse over either the 'Mark as added' or 'Flag as bad code', a much larger copy of the game code, along with more spacing, will be displayed
- Support game codes for all Storm8 games, Zynga games, and Addmired games
- Tracking of the game codes you've used so you don't keep entering the same game codes over and over
- For the super recruiters, you can keep bumping your game code to the top of the list to attract the most people
- See how many people have added each game code
- Flag bad game codes. Users can flag bad game codes and also see if others have flagged a game code as bad so you save time avoiding trying to add them
We'd like to thank Storm8 for creating a great collection of games. Please visit Storm8's website to see all their offerings and visit Storm8's forums for any question you might have about the game.